Matt Fitzgerald vient de sortir un nouveau livre, c’est l’un des auteurs les plus prolifiques en matière de livre de science en sport. Il est capable d’intéresser autant les débutants que les élites. On lui doit le très intéressant Racing Weight: How to Get lean for Peak Performance et surtout le Runner’s Body: How the Latest Exercise Science Can Help You Run Strong, Longer and Faster, ce livre est une compilation de démentis sur les idées reçues trop courantes.
Je vous conseille de lire ces livres, surtout qu’il est un triathète. Il a toujours fait preuve d’un regard assez critique face aux dernières tendances comme courir sur l’avant du pied… (chi running, newton etc…). Je peux vous assurer qu’en lisant ses livres vous risquez d’en savoir pas mal plus que certains coachs!
Son livre explique le concept de courir selon ses sensations. Cette méthode est massivement utilisée par les élites.
Au passage, si vous croyez que vous êtes bien structuré parce que vous faites des microcycles, (easy, moyen, dur, recup). Désolé de vous faire de la peine, mais les bons coachs n’appliquent plus cette méthode depuis belle lurette!
Vous ne me croyez pas? voici un passage. Le Geb en question est Haile Gebrselassie soit le record-men du marathon…
I learn that he really does not plan his training in the way that most Western runners do. There are no fancy multiphase periodization schedules. Instead, he trains the same way pretty much all the time, going a little lighter when he has just come off a big race and a little heavier when the next big race is close, and going a little faster when the next big race is shorter and a little slower when the next big race is longer.
I got a hint of the repetitiveness in Geb’s training formula when I asked him, “Do you have certain test workouts that you do to measure your prog- ress in training?”
He replied, “Because I am training for a marathon now, once a week there is a route in training—20 km, 30 km—I will run that and compare it to just a week ago, a few weeks ago, last year.”
Again, through later research I was able to determine that this 20 km or 30 km run was in fact a time trial. He runs a 20 km or 30 km time trial every week in marathon training, which shows not only how repetitive his training is, but also how hard.
Vous pouvez lire un extrait du livre ici.
Boulder, CO, USA – June 15, 2010 – Most serious runners don’t realize their potential because they are unable to run by feel. Traditional training has taught them to rely on formulas and gadgets instead of listening to their bodies. They simply stop getting faster and don’t understand why. The best elite runners have learned that the key to faster running is to hear what their bodies are telling them.
In his new book RUN: The Mind-Body Method of Running by Feel, best-selling author Matt Fitzgerald explores the run-by-feel practices of elite runners and draws on new research to explain why their techniques can be effective for all runners. RUN will teach runners how to listen to their bodies so they can train in the most personalized and adaptable way and begin to realize their full potential. The book is now available in bookstores, running shops, and online. The foreword by Dathan Ritzenhein, table of contents, and first chapter are available for download at
Fitzgerald’s mind-body method is a thought-provoking approach to training and will revolutionize how runners think about their workouts, their limits, and their potential. RUN explains how to interpret emotional and physical messages like confidence, enjoyment, fatigue, suffering, and aches and pains. RUN guides readers toward the optimal balance of intensity and enjoyment, volume and recovery, repetition and variation. As the miles add up, runners will become increasingly confident that they are doing the right workouts on the right days, from one season to the next.
RUN marks the start of a better way to train. The culmination of science and personal experience, the mind-body method of running by feel will lead runners to faster, more enjoyable training and racing.
RUN: The Mind-Body Method of Running by Feel by Matt Fitzgerald Paperback, 6″ x 9″, 276 pp. | $18.95, 978-1-934030-57-8
Matt Fitzgerald is a prolific health and fitness journalist and author of many books on fitness, nutrition, and weight loss, including Brain Training for Runners, Racing Weight, and The Runner’s Diary.
Pourrais-tu me décrire un peu plus ce livre, ca m’interesse beaucoup
Mon mail : (j’aurais d’autres questions aussi concernant les running)
Sur ce, je continue a lire tes articles 🙂