Ironman Arizona est généralement une course sans grand intérêt puisque tous les champions sont au repos afin de récupérer de Kona. Mais les choses sont désormais différentes. Chrissie Wellington a décidé de participer à cette course pour montrer que c’est toujours la meilleure malgré sa défaillance mentale ou sa grippe (à vous de choisir). Elle sera accompagnée de Rasmus Hennig. Le « fastmus » Rasmus a fait beaucoup rire de lui à Kona, puisqu’il a prit le mauvais sac en T1 et après, il a été incapable de retirer sa speedsuit à cause d’une fermeture éclaire non coopérative. Il veut prouver au monde de l’univers Ironman, qu’il est bien aussi fort qu’il le dit.

Aussi, il ne faut pas oublier qu’avec le nouveau système de pointage, les pros souhaitent pouvoir engendrer le maximum de point de début de saison et de s’assurer une place au soleil de Kona le plus rapidement possible.
« I have now had a few days to bounce back and recover both mind and body after the race in Kona. It was a huge disappointment because I feel I have a good race in Kona in me. I’ve searched everywhere for explanations both physichally and mentally for why the day ended with the result it did. A lot of things went wrong on race day for me and the accumulated sum of mishaps, misfortune and mistakes from my part just made this a disastrous day for me and it ending of being one of the worst races of my career. I will try to make this a turning point of my career. I have now had that bad race in Hawaii which many of the greats in this sport have had before me and Macca who won this year have surely had problems here as well and still have ended up winning twice. Hopefully Ironman Hawaii 2010 will be the race I can look back at a few years from now saying that this is why I bounced back stronger and better and ultimately was one of the reasons that made me win the race, » Rasmus Henning says.
« I hope to get the qualification for next year’s race in Arizona and I probably need a podium to do so. If I get enough points in Arizona I can put complete focus on the 2011 season and maybe do a couple of 70.3 races to secure the spot at the start line in 2011. I hope to prove to myself and everybody else, like I did in Challenge Roth in July, that I am one of the best ironmen in the world. I’m looking forward ro racing in Ironman Arizona on November 21 and hope to come out with a good result so I’ll be ready for the challenges of Ironman Hawaii 2011, » the Danish athlete says.
« Fastmus » est de loin le meilleur surnom de triathlon à date!