GeekSneakers… we want a picture of your shoes collection/on veut une photo de votre collection

Like Lunaracers much? | Les Lunaracers, tu connais?
Like Lunaracers much? | Les Lunaracers, tu connais?

This picture was just posted on Mzungo. It reminded us of a few posts published earlier this year (like here, here and here), when outdoor training hours were sparse. We dropped the ball and turned our attention to BrasFort and a certain race in Hawaii for a few weeks but we are now ready to get things rolling again.

Hey!  Fast runners from Guelph, France or anywhere for that matter, if you are a sneaker geek, stack your collection neatly, take pic and email it to us.

Je viens de voir cette photo publiée sur Mzungo et cela vient de me rappeler que nous avons oublié notre tradition (voir ici, ici et ici). Alors toi qui est rapide et qui a du goût, tu peux toujours nous envoyer une photo de ta collection.

1 commentaire
  1. Wow ! Je suis super impressione… mais maintenant trop intimide pour te montrer mes chaussures. 😉