The Top Ten Reasons Why coaches fail.
It’s always good to know what to except from a coach.
It’s not called a Marathon for Nothing. A great article from firstoffthebike. They are quite right, a stand alone Marathon is way harder than an Ironman.
Often there is discussion about the theoretical extrapolation of a stand-alone marathon time to IM marathon potential time, around which a rule-of-thumb of « add about 20mins » seems to have been developed…against which I’ve seen variance from about -5 mins to +2 hours!!! Such is the nature of an IM that to run the marathon leg to your potential depends on a lot of other factors besides a simple formula and some run fitness. There is no such thing as an easy IM run.
Cycling copies soccer. This blog is always a nice read because it’s the true face of cycling.
Paula Findlay have a day job.It’s always great when media writes about the reality of an elite athlete, because, yes you need to train really really hard.
“I do enjoy the training because I know it’s going to pay off in my races,” Findlay said. “Just like everyone, I go into really hard workouts kind of dreading it and, knowing it’s going to hurt a lot and it’s really hard, and I’m tired and sore and I don’t necessarily want to wake up every morning and train.
“But, it does all pay off when you have success … Success kind of drives me to enjoy the training.”
Findlay’s success drives something else, the flow of Own The Podium funds to Triathlon Canada, which, in turn, pays for the support to help Findlay and Simon Whitfield and their teammates compete at the highest level.
Triathlon Canada receives more than $900,000 a year in OTP funding, all of which is focused on one thing — getting Findlay and/or Whitfield, or one of their teammates on the podium at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London.
Yep, they did…
You don’t need a Fuel Belt! an spoon of water is enough!
Drinking water by swallowing it down your throat tells your body that water is coming, and various systems throughout the body respond accordingly. If you’re rehydrated without swallowing, your body doesn’t realize the fluid is coming (at least not immediately), and doesn’t respond. And if you rehydrate by swallowing water but immediately have an equal amount of water sucked out your nose (is this a cool experiment, or what!), then your body still thinks it got rehydrated.
Cherie, where are my recovery shoes! Yep, they did. At 4.8oz, maybe we should run with it.