Michael Raelert was planning to be on the start line of his first Ironman (Germany). He desperately need to do the race to get his spot for Kona since the rules force you to do at least one Ironman during the season to qualify. Unfortunately, he is injured. Michael, do you have a plan B? Are you going to race against your brother?
At least, we know that he is coming to Las Vegas!
« My first start of the season last weekend at the Schweriner Schlosstriathlon was perfect as the last rigorous test of my physical form! In spite of the short distance involved I experienced pain in the hips on the evening after the race: although immediate physiotherapy and chiropractic treatment did bring about the relief I had hoped for, the pain returned on the following Monday.
Renewed therapy, both on the same day and on the Tuesday, unfortunately didn’t bring about the desired results; it seems, especially in the light of the distance and associated toughness of the hard course, to be too big a health risk for me to take part in Ironman Germany on Sunday.
In view of the fact that this season features races in Wiesbaden, Las Vegas and Kona which are very important to me, I categorically want to avoid any possible risks and harm to my health. I deeply regret that I will be unable to take part in the race, especially after so many months of training, as, like many other triathletes, I had been enormously looking forward to this day of common endeavour! »
Michael Raelert devait s’aligner au départ de son premier Ironman (Allemagne). Il a besoin de compléter la course afin d’obtenir son spot pour Kona, surtout depuis que le règlement vous force de faire au moins un ironman durant la saison pour réclamer votre spot. Malheureusement il est blessé! Michael, as tu un plan B? Est-ce que tu va courir contre ton frère?