Newton n’est pas mort et il sort finalement sa fameuse MV2. Soit un racing flat. En fait, on ne sait pas quoi penser de ce produit. Il semble effectivement intéressant. Par contre Newton nous avait tellement vendu ses autres chaussures comme le top du top, la chaussure la plus rapide pour la meilleure technique etc… Alors que nous on pense qu’avec un racing flat, tu te retrouves avec une chaussure aussi éducative qu’une Newton avec un prix réduit de moitié… Tout cela pour dire que Newton est tellement révolutionnaire que son nouveau produit révolutionnaire reprend les caractéristiques d’un racing flat qui n’a pas évolué depuis 40 ans…
Vous pouvez lire un long review qui ne dit pas grand chose ici sur leur fameuse nouvelle sortie.
A super bike from Toyota! It’s interesting but… I still don’t get why car manufacturers need to do bike… At least you get a Iphone Dock… With the recents events, I’m not sure that toyota should play with electronics. Oh and your chain it too short and crossed! Please continue to do car.
Si vous faites du triathlon depuis un petit temps avec une famille, vous devez savoir que vos ambitions sont en fonction de votre gestion de votre temps. Endurance Corner a écrit un excellent billet la dessus.
For most age groupers, training more likely means racing faster. I do not want to contradict that statement, but for many of us, training more may not be our reality. When folks ask me about improving their diet, I usually tell them to focus on “eating better, before eating less.” A similar concept can apply to training: “train better before training more.”
Most athletes, particularly those « young » in athletic years, will almost always improve with more training. The problem is that finding the time for that training might lead to the rest of their lives falling apart. If they’re cool with that, then this article may not apply to them. If they like their lives as is, but would prefer to be a little faster than their training buddies, then this article might apply a little better.
If you’re riding a Specialized and you are racing in Kona this year, the company wants to help you!
You’ve been planning for this day for months – even years. Early mornings, skipping dessert, working harder than you ever thought you could. This year, Specialized wants to reward the commitment of Kona qualifiers who race our bikes by taking care of some of the logistics. As part of our huge AREA 140.6 celebration, we will fly your Specialized race bike to the event for FREE. Qualifying Kona participants need to register by clicking the link below to receive a prepaid FedEx shipping tag – it’s one less thing to worry about so you can concentrate on racing. We call it our You Tri, We Fly celebration – ’cause it’s Kona – you should be thinking about the race – not getting your stuff there.
Unfortunately… if you read the little text, you are not eligible if you are not from United States, and not eligible if you bought your bike before January 1st, 2010. So Specialized get all this free advertising for maybe… 50 peoples? If you do the math, $50×250 = $12 500… = One super bike for free = 20 frames at cost… = 2 ads in a try magazine = not even one spots on TV…
Cervelo, can you do something? Felt is already giving free tuning for his customers.