Simon Whitfield on his confidence crisis.
“fitness is earned through the commitment to hard work, hard work trumps all”.
Yesterday I was asked if I lacked confidence, my answer is simple, I don’t need confidence, if I’ve done the hard yards, if I’ve done the work and execute properly I’ll express that hard work with a result that reflects it.
note: to me, the definition of HARD WORK; it’s not simply about running head on into a wall, more is more is more is better. It’s about Intelligent Hard Work, Hard Work accompanied by a commitment to details, planning and execution.
Intelligent Hard Work otherwise known as “the relentless pursuit of”.
p.s: Triathlon Canada, we are a little sad that we wasn’t invited to « canadian » media press call. For your information, it’s ok, we are not the best but we are maybe the most pro-active publication on triathlon in the country. Anyway, Vincent was there!
Patrice Hamelin est généreux! Ils nous donnent ses chiffres pour sa préparation du 70.3 Esprit Montréal!
On l’oublie trop souvent mais l’équipe de tri de Specialized Québec ecrit souvent sur ce blog. Thibodeau nous fait d’ailleurs un compte rendu de ses courses à Québec et à Magog, on y apprend aussi qu’il sera présent à Xterra Mont Tremblant.
Where is Colin Jenkins aka The TriDomestic? The Star found him. He is a Firefighter.
Jenkins has made the transition to firefighter nicely. He’s a humble guy who would never flash his Olympic status unless asked about it — or when he takes his shirt off (the Olympic rings are tattooed on his inner right bicep). He only brought in a video of the Beijing triathlon after requested by his crew mates, who then ribbed him about the tight lycra racing suits.
They were undoubtedly impressed: Jenkins’ assignment in Beijing was to sacrifice his own race to try to help Whitfield win.
« What’s interesting is the role that he played for the Olympic team is the one that he brings here: selfless, good-natured, hard-working, keep-your-mouth shut, try to learn from the older guys, » said Pierre Friebe, acting captain at station 131.
« For the guys who’ve been on the job a long time, that’s endearing because you kind of go ‘This guy’s really trying to earn his place. He appreciates this new career.’ His overall attitude I think will take him a long way. »
Just five weeks into the job, the 28-year-old Jenkins was already gladly envisioning himself doing it for the rest of his working life. He’d had a call on his previous shift where he had to help a 15-year-old boy who’d been hit by a motorcycle while riding his bike. The youngster’s tibia was completely fractured.
« You could just see he was in a lot of pain and really scared,” said Jenkins. “Just talking to him, calming him down and helping him out, that’s rewarding right there. You feel good knowing you helped someone out when they’re having one of their worst days, right. »
Indeed, that can be one of the stark differences between the life of an Olympian and a firefighter. An elite athlete’s existence is inherently self-obsessed, while a firefighter is looking out for everyone else.
« Athletics is ridiculously selfish,” said Steen, who has been a firefighter for two decades. “All you try to do is spend your entire life trying to improve yourself regardless of everything else, just trying to be better. For what reason? I guess your own personal ego.
“When I walk away now at the end of the day, it doesn’t just make a difference to me if I’ve done a good job – it’s made a difference to someone else.”
Interview Paula Radcliffe in preparation for Berlin Marathon
On vient aussi de retrouver la femme la plus rapide de tous les temps sur 42.2km.