Position test in Wind tunnel might be useless… not exactly but kind of. It’s more faster position VS lactate production.
Il semblerait que les tests de positionnement en soufflerie ne servent à rien.
Pas exactement mais presque. Cela fait longtemps que l’on pense qu’un fabriquant utilise tout cela pour se justifier ou pour faire des beaux shootings photos. Comme le dit Gerard, le corps se place par instinct dans la meilleure position possible quand il veut générer le maximum. Cet article permet surtout de comprendre l’enjeux de la respiration et le ratio lactate.
Dr. San Millán says he put the final touches on his aerodynamic versus metabolic ratio research while working with Garmin-Transitions during the 2010 season, but he no longer works with them due to other obligations.
The mainstay of Dr. San Millán’s research, and what he described toBikeRadar as most important to both professional level time trialists and the weekend enthusiast, is to know that aerodynamic position is only part of a time trialist’s performance equation. All too often, he says, riders will spend thousands of dollars in the wind tunnel only to come out with a ‘technically’ faster position, which then slows down their actual performance in competition.
“We knew we needed to integrate the aerodynamic and metabolic testing in the wind tunnel,” said San Millán. “I’ve been lucky to work with four wind tunnels world wide [San Diego (US), A2 in North Carolina (US), Silverstone (UK), Epsilon (Spain)]. In 2006 I started to do some metabolic testing in San Diego and I was really shocked to observe that there are many aerodynamic positions that are very taxing, metabolically speaking.
But the most intersting point in this article is Dr. San Millán saying that there is a reason the UCI made the Praying Mantis position illegal — it’s very fast. For those racing non-UCI regulated time trials or triathlons, it’s the only position to use.
So instead to spend $10000000 on your bike… you should change try this position… How it looks?
Mais le point le plus intéressant de cette article est la déclaration du Dr. San Millan qui dit que la position à la Floyd Landis est illégale simplement parce qu’elle est plus rapide et que les triathlètes devraient profiter de l absence de réglementation puisque les règles sont différentes de l’UCI.
The forbidden Position (Praying Mantis) used by the recent Ironman Lake Placid Winner.
La position interdite (à la Landis) utilisée par le récent vainqueur de Lake Placid.
Where is Lance Armstrong, we need our gossip cycling news… Since Lance is hiding, the press try to know more about his teammates. This is the last example (from velonation).
Max van Heeswijk had previously denied doping during his career. According to the magazine, the retired rider gave an hour long interview, during which he spoke about doping in the peloton and made his admission, then backtracked and asked for his comments to be withdrawn.
It claims that when the journalist refused to agree, Van Heeswijk grabbed the disk containing the recording and binned it. The writer demanded it back, but was then ushered out of the interview location.
NuSport states that it repeatedly sought to contact the rider via phone calls and SMS message, and when he did not respond, reported the matter to the police as theft.
The magazine released some details yesterday prior to today’s publication of the article; in response, Van Heeswijk denied both the admission and the theft of the disk to the Limburg TV and Radio station L1
Si vous ne le savez pas, Cadel Evans ne viendra pas au ProTour. Encore une fois, les médias nous font rire. Et il faudrait dire la véritée. Les championnats du Monde sont 2 semaines avant. Les grands champions souhaitent préparer au mieux cette compétition et le Protour de Montréal et de Québec n’est pas une option. Alors oui, les frères Schleck viendront parce qu’ils n’ont aucune chance au championnat du monde au Danemark. par contre venir faire ces courses, cela tombe bien, ils seront 2 jours plus tard à Las Vegas (Interbike) pour faire plaisir à leurs sponsors (Trek). SVP, arrétez de nous faire croire que c’est LA course de l’année. C’est juste une course… comme toutes celles qui ne sont pas télédiffusée ici…
Les médias Québécois découvrent le triathlon et on s’en plaindra pas!
Annie Gervais était aussi à la radio de radio Canada ce matin. Les choses bougent!