You might have noticed already that access to the Serpentine has temporarily been suspended today (Wednesday) to allow treatment of the water. This is no reason to worry, has no impact on this weekend´s event and the lake will be reopened within the next 48 hours. Treatment of the water has become necessary to boost the water¹s oxygen levels and help protect the lake¹s fish stock. This operation has actually positive side-effects for the water quality on the event weekend.
In fact blue-green algal blooms have died off over the last 10 days and as a natural consequence oxygen levels in the water have fallen. Action is now needed to prevent the oxygen levels falling further, endangering the lake¹s fish stock and aquatic
life. The level of oxygen is of no relevance to swimmers.
It is envisaged that the lake will re-open to the public very shortly. The event will go ahead as planned. This process will not put the event at risk.
Monday´s tests of blue-green algae in the lake show that levels are now extrmeley low – a further decrease from earlier – which is great
The lake will be reopen for swimming tomorrow morning!
Ça ressemble à Edmonton tout ça ! Ça goûtait le chlore là bas !!! Un ptit truc que Phil Bertrand nous a donné : lorsqu’un lac est vraiment contaminé, boire un ptit coke après la natation (l’entraînement bien sur, pas la course) ça aide à tuer le méchant ! En plus, pour un amateur de coke comme moi… la vie est belle !
Trimes est trop big!
On a un envoyé spécial qui va gouter l’eau du lac pour nous demain!