Again, Mel Rollison is the future in ITU or Ironman, we don’t know but she is the future for sure. She still need to learn some stuff… like how to cross a finish line. She might have take too seriously the expression finish line chute. Also, we love Emma Jackson running style… but no her cycling TT style…
Crowie will be at Kona in 2012.
Crowie sera à Kona en 2012.
Volta le petit robot fait toujours Kona… finalement l’exploit, c’est plus les personnes qui marchent les 180 km a coté…!
Pour finir, Matt Dixon, soit l’entraineur à la mode donne ses conseils sur 3 questions clichées
1. How does half-Ironman speed typically relate to Ironman speed?
I don’t believe that half-Ironman speed directly translates to Ironman performance as Ironman relies on a completely different set of energy systems, tools and needs. It is an event that requires immense specificity in training, with plenty of focus given to training at or just above the intensity of race day. When athletes transition from half-Ironman distance to Ironman, I encourage and aim for them to maintain their natural speed that has been gained in short course training and racing. You should try not to lose your different “gears” of power or pace. I am always wary of athletes who solely focus on lower-intensity training, and are willing to give away the ability to generate the power and pace required for half-iron-distance racing. The loss of higher power and pace usually indicates accumulating fatigue and a lower performance potential.