ne sera plus une béta à partir de samedi prochain. Cela signifie qu’il en coûtera désormais 10$ par mois et 7$ pour ceux qui étaient sur le programme béta. Si vous ne le savez toujours pas, chez trimes, nous sommes totalement « addict » à ce programme. Pourquoi? Parce qu’il ne plante jamais (allo Tacx!), qu’il transofrme n’importe quel hometrainer en computrainer et surtout, les sessions d’entrainement sont canons! Je m’explique, vous entrez votre FTP et les valeurs pour vos exercices seront ajustées en fonction de votre chiffre magique. Dans la pratique, c’est assez fort, si vous êtes encore fatigué, vous risquez d’être incapable de compléter votre session parce que vous allez explosez assez rapidement. Un exercice qui semble impossible le vendredi, pourra sembler facile le samedi à compléter.
Simon Bairu won half Marathon in 1:05:38. It will try to qualify at Houston for the Olympic Games in 1 month.
Take that!
Cam Levins is explaining his mileage. It’s just amazing.
Goal week was to hit four 30 mile, two 20 mile, and one 10 mile day weekly. But often I got a lot of days that weren’t quite 30 miles and so generally I ended up in the 160s each week for total mileage. I’m sure my coach would not want me to divulge too much about the way all of this mileage is run, but that is sort of a general template of how I set up my weeks as far as daily mileage goes.
Don’t worry, some japaneses run 60km in one day.
Your wife want to visit Norway? Here we go!
World Triathlon Corporation (WTC) has confirmed that the first ever Ironman 70.3 Haugesund Norway will be held on 8 July 2012. Athletes will swim in Skeisvatnet, a small lake in the rural part of Haugesund, compete on the bike along the coastline of the North Sea and run through the town centre before they finish at the inner harbor of Haugesund.
Haugesund, incorporated in 1855 and located 280 miles (456 kilometres) away from Oslo on the western coast of Norway, has gained fame as a city of culture – hosting the Amanda Awards, Norway’s variation of the Oscars, since 1985.
« Norwegian athletes have been waiting for this moment for a long time. It’s a very special thing to be able to finish an Ironman 70.3 race in your home country, » said Race Director Ivar Jacobsen, an avid athlete himself, who announced the race together with Stefan Petschnig, Executive Manager WTC Europe & South Africa and Kai Walter, WTC Managing Director Operations Europe.
Ironman 70.3 Norway/Haugesund will be an Official Qualifier race for the 2012 Ironman 70.3 World Championship in Las Vegas.