Two writers took part in the first running race of the season in the Ottawa valley. The 30th Annual Richmond Road Race (10 Km and 5 Km) took place last Sunday in -32 degrees Celsius temperatures (with windchill factor).
Alex Michel could not manage to defend his title from 2011, but still managed to finish second overall – behind a sub 33 minute 10 Km runner. contributor Olivier Mouyau finished 8th.
Complete results: 10 Km | 5 Km.
Over 450 runners were initially signed up for both events but only 400 odd names are listed in the final results. Normally, this would be an apt use of the term HTFU, but considering the ambient temperatures, the no-shows receive a « get out of jail free » card.
Ten kilometers worth of effort. Condensed into an ice beard.

Vous êtes des malades les gars!!!!
Alex a un pass droit, Endurcis toi put* a vie.
premier H 30-39 au 5k = 23:10 … pour une fois dans ma vie que j’aurais pu monter sur un podium …
mais les meilleurs temps overall sont excellents pour une course d’hiver à -32C … ça va courir vite au printemps sur d’la ‘sphalte!