Article from the Firstoffbike. I love their theory.
> Basically, you should think of the IM bike leg as made up of three parts – the first 60km which feels easy; the middle 60km which feels « real »; the final 60km which feels « tough » (or hard, if you’ve blown up).
So it should look like this
First 2hrs
Easy riding at a comfortable pace, easier than IM effort (or watts).
Middle 2hrs
After an easy 2hrs you should be feeling pretty good. So now let’s turn up the effort a bit…there’s a few ways to design this part, here’s a couple:
* 2 x (40min @ IM effort / watts, then 20min @ 1/2IM effort / watts) = 2hrs (advanced)
* 4 x (25min @ IM effort / watts, then 5min easy) = 2hrs
Last 2hrs
By now you be starting to feel a little tired from the effort, but nothing you’ve done so far should have left you too fatigued…if it has, you’ve got your pacing wrong. Now is the time to crank it up, here some suggestions for how:
10-15min easy after the middle 2hrs intervals
* 6 x (3min @ 1/2IM effort / watts, then 3min at OlyDist effort / watts, then 3min @ 1/2IM effort / watts, then 1min easy) = 60min (advanced)
* 10 x (5min @ 1/2IM effort / watts, then 1min easy) = 60min (intermediate)
To read the complete article it’s here.
If that article is not enough for you. Triathlete magazine have an article for you. Train Like a Pro. Too bad that you don’t have the same amount of free time!
Steal These Pro Habits
Pre-workout mentality: They decide on their attitude, create process and outcome goals, understand the purpose of the workout and the main set, and visualize efficient movement prior to arriving to their training session.
In-workout attitude: While training is physically difficult, elite athletes typically have fun with that challenge and remain focused. They are on task for drills and intervals, and during recovery portions mentally prepare for the next interval. They control self-talk and choose a positive mindset to boost self-esteem. They capitalize on the good days and put the bad days in perspective. They make time for a post-workout debrief and analysis.
Logistics: They organize their equipment and become systematic about equipment preparation for training. They create workout timelines, arrive early as a habit, and create some time after training as a buffer in case things go longer, so a key set or cool-down isn’t cut short. They log their workouts, with the goal of tracking performance to see patterns—especially ones that work well.
Body preparation and maintenance: They make time for proper stretching and an easy warm-up, and they do a proper cool-down to flush lactic acid from muscles and to facilitate recovery. Massage is scheduled regularly on the night before a recovery day to give the body time to absorb training. They eat a pre-workout meal (finishing at least two hours prior for moderate to high-intensity sessions) and, for post-session nutrition, include carbs within a half-hour of finishing, and carbs plus protein within two hours of workout completion.
Comme à l’habitude Gerard (de Cervelo) donne son opinion sur Contador et continue d’honorer son casque blanc. Étant entrain de lire le rapport du TAS sur l’affaire Contador, le peloton semble faire exprès de minimiser le cas de Contador. Les espagnoles parlent de l’ancien maillot jaune comme une victime… Et pourtant, il n’a peut-être pas tant perdu que cela…
Contador loses all his results and maybe the prize money for the prior 17 months, but that’s peanuts compared to his salary and his endorsement deals, all of which will have been paid out until now. So in effect he doesn’t lose 24 months, but 7 months of income and 24 months of results. Of course having the pressure of the process on your shoulders for 17 months is no laughing matter and also part of the price he pays.
Another interview with Johnny Brownlee. Seriously, the bros are spending too much time with the media.
If Dave Scott is telling you to do it…
Non, je ne te passe pas mon vélo!
Ouch, sacré séance !
Déjà 6h, on dépasse le volume horaire de l’IM.
A quoi correspond 3min at OlyDist effort / watts ?
Merci !
Allure distance olympique bien sur.
Au temps pour moi. 😉
Quelqu’un doute encore de la solidité des Dura-Ace C50?
enfin les choques sont frontales et non laterales.
Solidité (ou robustesse), pas rigidité latérale… Il s’agit de deux qualitées qui ne sont pas nécessairement liées.