Quote From Coach Gambetta > No tolerance for gurus spreading, misinformation. Marketing disguised as info using sciency terms. »
Vanessa Raw have a special cave pain! We need more visual artist in sport. She could make sweat painting?
Sources from news tells that the Ironman Melbourne is coming and we are pretty excited about the Greg Bennett debut.
Autre fait intéressant, un duel Jacob and Craig Alexander. En fait, tous les plus grands noms australiens seront là, cela peut paraitre assez étonnant quand on sait qu’Abu Dhabi sera à la même époque.
Treadmill truths
Complete article here. We are not agree with some points, we do not believe it promotes a heel strike since a treadmill is softer, some change their form to be more on that moving belt.
1. Treadmill running pulls on the hip flexors at a predetermined belt speed and, through a neurologic “stretch reflex,” the flexors are activated at the same time. This inhibits the hip midfoot extensors (glutes), making it more difficult to fire them.
2. With the backward belt motion, the knee is drawn into extension more than in road running, mildly stretching the hamstrings. That same “stretch reflex” will inhibit and weaken the quadriceps.
3. The moving belt has a tendency to encourage more ankle dorsiflexion. This promotes a heel strike and initiates a stretch reflex in the calf, increasing risk for Achilles injuries, calf shortness and other biomechanical faults.
4. The treadmill naturally draws the leg backward, as opposed to the gluteal muscles doing this job, and causes a faster forward swing on the recovering leg. (Want to feel this effect? Speed up your treadmill.) This can cause more hip flexor recruitment, which can again inhibit proper gluteal function. If your core isn’t sufficiently engaged, these overactive hip flexors will draw the pelvis forward, increasing the arch in your spine. Can you say back pain?
Your are controling that way your are aging!
Great article from Alex Hutchinson.
Surprisingly, neither leg muscle size nor strength declined significantly with age among the subjects, suggesting that regular training had warded off the muscle-wasting effects of aging. The sample MRIs showed virtually indistinguishable quadriceps in a 40-year-old triathlete compared with a 70-year-old triathlete. In contrast, the quadriceps of a 74-year-old sedentary man were shrivelled and enveloped in fat.
Numerous studies in the past have documented the inexorable decline of muscle with age, but they have generally used sedentary subjects to draw broad conclusions about the intrinsic effects of aging.