Jasper Blake just published a really long post about his retirement. It reminds me of Macca’s book, but without all the « I was the first, I won everything, I blah blah » schtick… Jasper is relevant. If anyone has his contact info, we would love to « dig » him.
No matter how good you get or how good you think you are, remember that you are never entitled to anything and the sport owes you nothing. You need to approach it as if you owe the sport everything. Never underestimate how much work you will do and how much you will have to give of yourself to get good. If you want to win you have to earn that rite every single year, every single month, every single week, every single day, every single workout. But don’t look at it as a sacrifice; consider it a gift that you have the opportunity to go down that road.
Avec une illustration comme celle-ci de Manon Letourneau, tu n’as pas le choix d’aller lire son dernier texte! Aussi, Manon a dernièrement eu un article sur elle de publié dans le Journal de Montréal. Il me reste des croûtes à manger. Pour être franc avec vous, nous ne sommes pas convaincu par cet article. Nous ne sommes pas certain qu’il reflète vraiment tout le potentiel de Manon.
Maui II from Alexandra Coates on Vimeo.
Maui 2012 from Alexandra Coates on Vimeo.
The Lance Effect? Ironman live on TV?
Andrew Messick, World Triathlon’s chief executive officer, said he’ll be “much more aggressive” in getting television coverage for its marquee race because of Armstrong, a seven-time winner of cycling’s Tour de France. NBC currently televises the annual championship race in Kailua-Kona on tape-delay about two months after it takes place.
“We want to investigate opportunities to be able to potentially put parts of the race live, something that has never been done in the U.S.,” Messick said in an interview yesterday in San Diego, California, where he is attending the Triathlon America Business of Triathlon conference. “Lance brings a spotlight to our sport that’s brighter perhaps than anything that has ever happened.”
Rasmus Henning Blog: Time-Crunched Athlete
It’s a huge dilemma to work when your kids are around. I want to spend time with them, they want to spend time with me, and I want to be with them, but triathlon is also my job and is what pays the bills. I realise just how much my wife does alongside the kids in terms shopping, laundry and all those things that eat away at time. All of these jobs I can’t do while I’m with the kids and have to fit them into my five hour slot while they’re at school.
When the children are around I want to be present. I have to admit they have probably had a little more time in front of the TV, computer and games consoles when things have got tough for me to balance. It’s the constant battle as a professional athlete that I have talked about before. I have to balance time with them and training. If I don’t train, results slip and I still need to support my family. Also if I slack off in training not only do I not race as well, I spend my time feeling guilty, which is never healthy. It’s hard because I never want to neglect my kids, and don’t want them to see me doing things badly.