The Garmin Vector Power Meter unwrapped by the FCC. So it should be released in 3 months…
Simon Whitfield, the turning point
A text by Michele Ferrari… (his last name remind me something).
Can Lance win Kona? A scientific point of you
Running the marathon in 2h40min corresponds to a consumption of 1100Kcal/h, for a total of 2975 Kcal: if Lance will be able to use 50% carbohydrate and 50% fat (RER = 0.85 approx.), in the running leg he will consume 372g of CHO (2.32g/min) and 165g of lipids (1.03g/min).
It would probably be more convenient for Lance to ride the bike part at 41 km/h (260-265w), completing the 180 km course in about 4h23min, and set the running part at a more cautious pace (around 15 km/h), a speed best suited to his physical characteristics.
In order for Lance to succeed in the challenge, he will have to:
– get his organism used to burning fats as fuel (through diet and training)
– saturate his glycogen stores before the race (cargo-loading)
– improve his efficiency in running at the race pace (reduce the energetic cost/km)
– decrease his body to around 70 kg
– distribute the race pace as best as possible, also in relation with the outdoor temperature
Le twit qu’on aime…
Why must there be people who think they know what’s better for you even more than yourself just because they’re older?!?!
Cameron Brown has dominated Ironman New Zealand for a decade and is on target to add to an already overwhelming number of wins in Taupo. In 2011 he set a record by being the first man in history to win the same Ironman event 10 times. That event was the Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain Ironman New Zealand. (Photo: Ian Hepenstall greets Brown as he wins his 10th Ironman New Zealand title last year. Photo courtesy
“I love competing in Taupo, it’s just such a fantastic race,” he said.
At 39, most athletes would be on the downward slope to retirement, but it seems this Kiwi is in fact getting even better with age.
“I still love getting up and pretty much smashing myself everyday so until that goes away and dies I’ll keep doing this as my day job.”
Brown credits a combination of stretching, massage and passion for his prolonged career at the peak of Ironman.
“I’ve still got that passion and drive to succeed. If you’ve got that you can just keep going. I can’t stop now. When I do stop I get injured,” he said. “In the early days I could have three or four weeks off and do nothing. Nowadays, with my age, I’ve got to keep the body ticking over.”
Brown defied the years to kick-start his 2012 campaign by winning his ninth Port of Tauranga Half at Mount Maunganui in January.
“It was a nice win there which gives me a lot of confidence. Everything is on track for Taupo,” he said.
“Terenzo has got a good swim on him and he is a very good biker. You always want to be close to your competition. The last couple of years I’ve been able to get back up to him after his strengths,” he said.
“I’m not doing the 40 hour weeks to come second, that’s for sure. Marino is an amazing athlete. He has a record a bit similar to mine back in Austria and he’s been on the podium in Kona. He didn’t finish last year and will need the qualifying points, so I am sure he will come here in shape.
“He is also a top swimmer and a huge cyclist.”
While it’s the same for everyone, one threat that makes the race that much tougher is harsh weather conditions like what was served up in 2011 at Taupo.
“Even a little bit of wind just really slows you down on that bike ride, and running in the rain you’re pretty much dodging puddles the whole time, which tires you out,” said Brown.
“You’re not only trying to battle your body but you’re battling the elements; even trying to keep warm out there is a big struggle.”
As a dedicated family man, Brown juggles his personal and professional lives as best as he can by dictating his training time to suit those around him.
“I try to finish my training everyday by three o’clock so I’m there for the boys when they get home from school and then it’s their time with BMX and swimming and all the sporting activities they do.
“They’ve grown up with [Ironman]; they love the sport as well,” he said.
At some point, however, Brown will have to make the inevitable adjustment to solely being a sideline supporter and leave the competing to his boys.
“It’s going to happen sooner, rather than later. It’s not like golf where you can be in your 60s and making millions of dollars. Our sport is not like that. But for the moment the fire is still burning as brightly as ever.”
Originally from:
Ferrari c’est bien lui, l’ami (pour faire simple) de BrasFort.
Michele c’est Michel en Italien 😉
Bah voila, les fantômes du cyclisme arrivent en triathlon… super 🙁
il y en avait avant… Chan McRae, Steve Larsen…