Team Teschner/Kiwami is Official! Uniform and more.

What’s the Team Teschmer/Kiwami team, aka TrimesTeam? It’s a group of aspiring Canadian athletes (5) that are dedicated to high performance while remaining involved with their respective communities. Our goal is to get the best support we can get for them. The best triathletes in the country are often faced with a lack of support. In fact they are resourceless when the time comes to approach sponsors. We believe that a group of athletes increases their resources and increases visibility for sponsors.

We want the athletes to focus on the job they have to do: train. The purpose of this team structure is to free the athletes from the marketing side of things and to provide them the best equipment available to help them achieve their dreams. We have a few connections in the industry. Why not use them?

At, we are super excited about the project because we supplying them with ITU level quality equipment. Team members will ride Teschner bikes equipped with HED wheels and don iconic Kiwami Amphabian suits – with a TrimesTouch™.

Also, their nutrition will be provided by the great Canadian company Eload and their swimming equipment will be provided by BlueSeventy. is also the official software for cycling trainer sessions.

You can find more information on the official website.

Team Teschner Kiwami Uniform
Team Teschner Kiwami Uniform
Team Teschner Kiwami Uniform
Team Teschner Kiwami Uniform

Who is on the team?

  • Andrew Russell,
  • Manon Letourneau,
  • Marc-Antoine Christin,
  • Amélie Kretz and
  • Philippe Deschamps.

Why them and not me? It’s super complicated, to be honest, we would love to help more people, but this is a time consuming endeavour. We picked these 5 not only for their performances and their future but also because we do believe they are great ambassadors. We are sincere about that point.

Are you a substitute of Team Quebec?
Not really, to be honest, we wanted more « outside of Quebec » on the team.

Are you an agent?
No! They are free to have individual sponsors. Marc and Philippe are with Lifesport, Andrew with Saucony, etc. Athletes are only paying me with pride, no money… I know, it’s hard to believe. I am not making any money with this project.

Did you copy TriathlonCode?
The project has a similar vision but there are too many great athletes in Canada that deserve support. It’s something we always wanted to do. We have to much respect for Simon Whitfield. But we have our own rules. We will never approach any athletes already involved in a group. We do believe in LOYALTY and we want to lead by example on every aspect.

9 commentaires
  1. Félicitations à Monsieur St-Jalm, l’artisan de ce projet, qui s’investit grandement dans l’encadrement et le support des athlètes!

    1. Il faut surtout remercier les partenaires, ce qui est plutot rassurant, c’est de se rendre compte que trimes sert au moins a cela.

      On va continuer a annoncé d’autres partenariats dans le futur. Ils auront plus d’excuses :p.

      1. Alex,

        Trimes sert à ça car vous avez cru bon s’en servir pour ça. Trimes peut servir à 1001 autres choses, j’en suis sur!

        Les solutions existent Alex, suffit de faire bon usage de son énergie pour les distinguer et choisir lesquelles déployer. Mais tout est là, rien ne se perd, rien ne se crée.

        Utiliser un Magasine pour créer une synergie financière et dans une certaine mesure logistique? Bien voyons donc, c’est sûr que c’est porteur car ça garantie aux sponsors un minimum de visibilité. En plus, par la bande, ça informe les lecteurs à propos des prouesses de certains parmi les meilleurs au pays. Win, win, win.

        Fé-li-ci-ta-tions Trimes et Kiwami ainsi qu’à toutes les parties impliquées!


      2. On est en arrière en Triathlon au Canada, et au Québec c’est pas hyper reluisant, surtout chez les hommes.

        Ce genre d’initiatives est essentielle. Se regrouper est essentiel!

        Bon ok, je me tais.

        1. Charles, je ne suis pas totalement d’accord. On a tendance à trop critiquer Triathlon Canada et quand on regarde tout cela de plus pret… c’est très différent.

          C’est souvent plus une histoire de support de l’industrie que de la fédération.

          1. J’critique personne. J’critique rarement. Je constate, c’est tout. Corrige-moi si je me trompe, mais le Québec (qui compte pour 23% de la population) n’a toujours présenté aucun homme à date aux JO. On s’y entraîne depuis 1997 en théorie.

            J’critique pas les organisations, je félicite plutôt votre initiative.
