Tomorrow > Announcement for this summer inaugural Toronto Triathlon Festival.

Tomorrow, a big announcement is going to be made in Toronto.

Olympic Gold medallist, Simon Whitfield, and representatives from Triathlon Canada and Sports Focused Consulting, will be on hand to unveil details of this summer’s inaugural Toronto Triathlon Festival.

The Toronto Triathlon Festival, staged jointly by Triathlon Canada, the International Triathlon Union, Olympic Champion, Simon Whitfield, and Sports Focused Consulting, will create an unparalleled urban experience by offering triathletes the first ever opportunity to compete in Toronto’s downtown core.

As you might know, in October, Plans to use the Don Valley Parkway and the Gardiner Expressway for an 5150 (Ironman) triathlon event next year didn’t make it past the city’s Public Works and Infrastructure Committee Wednesday. So we are really excited about the fact that ITU (International Triathlon Union) have joined the party.

Could it be possible to say no to Ironman and yes to ITU?

National 2013 « should » be moved to this venue in 2013, and don’t forget the PAN AM games in 2015.


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