TriRig.com did a really nice interview with Andy Potts. This guy love his pain cave, why? because he is used to watch a lane during hours (a six-time NCAA All-American swimmer). It’s must see. You just need to ride 2hours everyday to be a pro. it’s so simple!
Tririg.com a fait une excellente entrevue avec Andy Potts. Cet homme aime trop sa caverne de la souffrance. Pourquoi? surement à cause de son passé de nageurs. Il parait qu’a force de nager et de fixer cette ligne, à ce niveau, ces « freaks » donnent des noms à chacune des tuiles… C’est une vidéo très intéressante à écouter puisqu’il parle des rituelles de ses entrainements ou contrairement à beaucoup, le warm up prend énormément de place.
In April, marathon legend Alberto Salazar releases 14 Minutes, his new memoir about the sudden heart attack he suffered in 2007 that left him unconscious for 14 minutes. As a long-distance runner in the 1980s, Salazar was known for both his total dominance (he won threeNew York City Marathons in a row and set a world record) and an unrelenting intensity that ultimately led to early burnout at age 30. As a running coach for Nike’s Oregon Project, an elite distance-running program at the company’s Beaverton headquarters, he now teaches the same brand of fierce competitiveness to his athletes, three of whom have won medals in world championship races.
You can read his small interview in Outside Magazine.
But the really good article from Outside Mag is the one from one of our favourites, Alex Hutchinson.
In our obsession with minimizing exercise damage, we may have lost sight of the reason we exercise in the first place: to force our bodies to adapt and get stronger
Many of them, actually. For example, trainers have long viewed exercise-induced inflammation as an enemy that should be eliminated. But it’s actually a crucial part of the recovery process. Exercise stresses and sometimes damages tissue, and the inflammation afterwards is caused, in part, by white blood cells rushing to the area to help begin healing. So while ibuprofen or ice baths might reduce swelling in the short term, they could also inhibit your long-term adaptation, says Jonathan Leeder, a physiologist at the English Institute of Sport. “You need that damage and inflammation for the body to repair itself.”
You can read this article here. It’s not the kind of content that the sport industries is going to like…
Ce qui est intéressant avec cet article, c’est que cela remet en question notre facon de nous entrainer. Généralement, lorsqu’on absorbe nos entrainements et qu’on est capable d’aller travailler sans marcher en canard (douleur musculaire), on est convaincu d’être sur la bonne voie. Malheureusement, cela signifie peut-être qu’on est encore loin de notre fameuse limite à repousser. Cela pourrait aussi pourquoi certains ne progressent pas alors qu’ils pensent accumuler des entrainements solides. Le point très important est aussi sur notre relation avec l’acide lactique qu’il faudrait arrêter comme un signal de sur-régime.