QT2 vient de lancer son application pour le Iphone et le Itouch afin d’estimer votre performance pour le jour de course. Il suffit de rentrer vos temps sur des tests en natation (300y), vélo (20 min max) et course à pied (5k), ainsi que votre volume et le système vous permet d’obtenir les splits que vous devriez faire. En complément, il vous donnera vos zones d’entrainement. Évidemment, cela reste juste un algorithme… mais cela vous donnera une bonne idée du wattage ou du temps que vous devriez faire en vélo pour être capable de courir derrière.
L’application sur le Iphone coute 1.99$ par contre (ICI.), vous trouverez exactement la même chose sur le web et gratuit ici www.triathloncalculator.com.
Il est important de rappeler que vous pouvez vous entrainer tout l’hiver, mais il demeure pratiquement impossible d’avoir une bonne course sans stratégie (nutrition, pacing, etc…)
QT2 Systems has launched the first iPhone/iTouch calculator that projects an individual’s triathlon race performance and determines appropriate, personalized training ranges. Jesse Kropelnicki, founder of QT2 Systems and developer of the original Triathlon Calculator says, « Triathletes put a great deal of time and focus into their race preparations, and should always be well aware of where they stand, with regard to their racing goals. This new software will help them to be more in tune with the progress that they are making, and further motivate them to achieve their goals. »
The triathlon calculator is a one-of-a-kind application that will estimate your triathlon race outcomes based on 7 key inputs that come from your training. This tool will estimate any race distance, and take into account different course types. The tool will also give you race pacing and training zone recommendations including power on the bike. It was developed as a companion to its overwhelmingly popular www.triathloncalculator.com website.
QT2 Systems worked with Triessential.com to convert its proprietary algorithms developed over 10 years of coaching experience into a convenient tool for the iPhone. « We feel honored that Jesse and QT2 Systems selected us as their vendor of choice. The organization is a leading edge pioneer in training systems. They continually push the limits of people and technology, » said Paul Tyler, founder of Triessential.com.
The QT2 Calculator for the iPhone and iTouch is available on iTunes for $1.99 HERE.