Today is the birthday of Alistair Brownlee. We all know what he wants this year. Unfortunately, he is not on the ITU San Diego startling list.
Another great article on Reid Coolsaet.
“My rise to whatever sort of success that I’ve had came with more hard work than a lot of other people and it came a bit later because it took time to build that aerobic base and stuff.”
In the months leading up to a race, Coolsaet will typically run 36 kilometres a day, broken up into legs of 23 kms in the morning and 13 in the evening.
“Once a week we will just do one long run which can be anywhere from 30 to 45K,” he says.
Together, these runs add up to more than five 42-km marathons a week, Coolsaet says.
To fuel that pneumatic pounding, Coolsaet typically takes in 3,500 calories a day, where most men his age and size would make do with 2,100.
And he basically burns up everything he downs.
“Probably even a little bit more,” he says. “I’ll start off right now at 140 pounds but by marathon race day . . . I’ll probably be down to 136.
“And the funny part is, I’m probably a bit heavier than a few of the other marathoners I’ll be competing against.”
New Dura Ace 2013 > 11 speeds.