Rasmus (Fastmus pour les intimes trimeux) Henning sort lui aussi son livre. Comme Macca, il ne peut attendre sa retraite pour s’exprimer. On entend déjà des mauvaises langues dire qu’avec toutes les heures d’entrainement qu’il fait, comment il peut-être assez lucide pour écrire son livre. Bonne question.
Chez Trimes.org on pense que c’est un nouveau exercice à la mode qui est dans une certaine mesure pour partager avec les pratiquants mortels leurs réalités mais surtout une sorte de thérapie ouverte. Le livre de Macca ressemblait furieusement a un journal intime pour se remémorer de tout ce qu’il avait accompli et de se justifier afin de se dire que non, il n’était pas une si mauvaise personne tout en persuadant que sa quète olympique n’était pas une folie.
Pour Rasmus, on a l’impression que cet exercice lui permet de continuer à croire sur sa carrière en longue distance qui pour le moment n’a pas été à la mesure de ses espérances. Parce qu’entre nous, tout est dans la tête, non?
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My Achilles tendon soon started to “scream” louder than my lungs could even after hard intervals and I was forced to rest. Swimming was possible, biking tolerable, gym unbearable, but when is it not. However, there was no crepitus (the stuff that makes your tendon feel like an old door hinge) or even sensitivity. No signs on the MRI or Ultrasound. But I didn´t get too worried until the first doctor started an eventually long line of people who said: “Sorry buddy, I can´t help you!”
So finally after returning home, my local Orthopaedist, a former athlete and generally hands on guy, suspected that the Nervus Suralis, a little string running out your calf and running all the way into the foot along the Achilles, with no function other than to tell you whether your foot is sore or not (purely sensorial), might be damaged. Some anaesthetic placed around the nerve later, I was able to skip on one leg between some bewildered looking patients. Bang: on the money! After all this time, it was “just” a nerve that was wrecked, wrecking all my others (nerves) with him.
En ce moment beaucoup d’entre nous sont en train de peaufiner leur préparation, c’est la multiplication des grosses séances… oui mais tout dépend souvent de la force du mental. C’est cliché, mais c’est TRÈS important d’en prendre conscience. Endurance Corner a écrit un autre bon texte la dessus.
As usual though, caveat emptor: in some ways, mental toughness might become a barrier to athletic or even personal improvement. This situation is fairly common among those who perhaps are extremely mentally tough and train through overreaching and into overtraining. Too much mental toughness might also lead athletes to play or train through career-ending injuries, thus risking long term non-athletic function. Some suggest mentally tough individuals might be the patients least likely to comply with recommendations for rest, medication compliance and recuperation. Whether using certain stimulants to enhance focus and mental alertness (and hence improve mental toughness) might lead to serious long term psychiatric issues (PTSD) is currently being debated in the lay and medical literature as well.
Swim world champ from Norway, 26, dies in Arizon
Alexander Dale Oen, a world champion swimmer who was one of Norway’s top medal hopes for the London Olympics, died from cardiac arrest after collapsing in his bathroom during a training camp in Flagstaff, Ariz. He was 26.