WTC vient d’annoncer la création d’un classement pour les groupes d’âges. Ce système permettrait aux amateurs d’amasser des points. 5000 points pour une victoire dans son groupe en Ironman et 3500 en 70.3. Les places suivantes se verront attribuer le nombre de points sur un ratio temps avec le premier. L’athlète sera assurer d’obtenir 1000 points pour un IM et 700 pour un 70.3.
Ce système est avant tout une formule qui profitera ceux qui sont très fidèles aux courses de la série. Que cela soit Rev3 ou ironman, la tendance est à la fidélisation. Fait important, le classement se basera uniquement sur vos trois meilleurs résultats. Une personne qui fera 3 ironmans durant son année sera donc avantagée.
Le programme désignera les personnes dans le top 10% comme des Ironmans ALL WORLD. En traduction simplifiée, c’est une reconnaissance de l’athlète compétitif.
Dossier à suivre.
Age Group Ranking program to provide athletes from around the world a way to track race performance against other competitors
Building upon the success of last season’s pilot program in Europe, IRONMAN announced today the global expansion of the Age Group Ranking (AGR) program for amateur triathletes. In extension of last year’s model, the program will now include all IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 races in 2013. Beginning with last month’s IRONMAN 70.3 Pucon triathlon and ending with the IRONMAN 70.3 Canberra event on December 15, 2013, all athletes will be automatically entered into the program and receive points based on their finish times.
“After receiving such positive feedback from the triathlete community on the pilot phase, it is a natural progression to further expand the Age Group Ranking program to include all IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 events,” said Andrew Messick, Chief Executive Officer of World Triathlon Corporation. “Our athletes from around the world have a competitive spirit and we are excited to offer them an opportunity to track their racing, while rewarding their accomplishments.”
The global program will offer age group athletes a way to earn points based off of their race finishes and measure their race performances against their fellow competitors regionally, as well as from around the world, in one cumulative system. Athletes that compete in any IRONMAN or IRONMAN 70.3 event in 2013 will earn Age Group Ranking (AGR) points. In each IRONMAN event, Age Group Champions will earn 5,000 points, while first place finishers of IRONMAN 70.3 events will earn 3,500 points toward their ranking. Points will then be calculated on a sliding scale based upon each subsequent athlete’s finish time, with a minimum of 1,000 points for an IRONMAN race and 700 points for an IRONMAN 70.3 race, as long as they complete the event.
Points and rankings will be updated weekly online at, starting in early spring.
Although athletes may compete in as many 2013 IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 events as they choose, only their top three race performances will be calculated toward their AGR. At the end of the 2013 season, all athletes will receive a special certificate and acknowledgement from IRONMAN, recognizing their achievement. Competitors who finish in the top 10 percent globally in either IRONMAN, IRONMAN 70.3 or a combination of IRONMAN and IRONMAN 70.3 events, will be designated as IRONMAN All World.
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je pense que c’est un moyen nouveau de fdéliser le client, en demandant de faire au moins 3 evenements wtc aux age groupers par an. WTC a déjà réussi à fidéliser ses pros grace au KPR, maintenant, pareil avec les age group.
Ce systeme existe sur les coures europe depuis 2 ans, mais là au moins les trois premiers de chaque AG reçoive à la fin de l’année un IM gratuit. maintenant sur le systeme global, on a juste un certificat »all wolrd », autrement dit on se fout de notre gueule pendant que WTC encaisse la monnaie de nos 3 IM.