Elite advices > Fall Tips from Tyler Mislawchuk

Tyler Mislawchuk is a young elite canadian. He finished 8th at the ITU world Championship in U23. He is actually training in Australia with the Wollongong squad. 

1. Take a break and enjoy it. Rumours are not true, you can ‘win’ the off season.

Few weeks off was exactly what I needed to end the long season this year. I stayed an extra few days in Mexico to kick start the off season. I may not have won the offseason but I gave a valiant effort.

2. No one wins World Championships in December; ease back into the training and listen to your coach.

Pretty straight forward on this one, I listen to the boss.

3. Have fun with fall training; simple enough, enjoy a ride with an old friend, incorporate a new cafe stop or anything to mix it up a little.

I have been enjoying new cafes, riding with old friends, jumping in on bike shop rides, as well as getting a few miles in on the mountain bike, which I really enjoy.


4. Work on your weaknesses; everyone has them from lacking core strength to re inventing your swim stroke.

My weakness is no secret, I have been working on key processes that will enable me to be more competitive this upcoming season.

5. Take full advantage of the support you have at home, from family and friends to your IST and/or sponsors.

For me it means all of these things; enjoying time with my family and friends, to using the amazing support structure Triathlon Canada has provided me. I would like to thank nineteen wetsuits for the on going support as well as keeping me warm this fall.

Follow Tyler on twitter.


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